uBukwa Zimbali Guesthouse Disclaimer Notification:
As a prospective and or current 'guest' to uBukwa Zimbali Guesthouse, the 'guest' hereby acknowledges and take responsibility that;
1. they over 18 years of age,
2. they acknowledge and take full responsibility for the contents below and further take full responsibility for themselves, their dependents, and any other person(s) they responsible responsible for and bringing onto Zimbali Coastal Resort and to uBukwa Zimbali Guesthouse.
3. The guest understands that the establishment, uBukwa Zimbali Guesthouse, is within Zimbali Coastal Resort. This means the rules are a collective set of rules which is for Zimbali Costal Resort however more importantly for uBukwa Zimbali Guesthouse.
4. Virtual Concierge Services: uBukwa Zimbali Guesthouse has its comprehensive set of rules and all relevant information about Zimbali Coastal Resort and uBukwa Zimbali Guesthouse on its online platform via its uBukwa Virtual Concierge Services website. As a 'guest' you will take full responsibility to familiarise yourself with its information and also to further share the link to ensure your fellow guests have access to this link being the uBukwa Virtual Concierge Services.
5. The guest(s) agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Establishment / Organizer’s, and all of its members, shareholders, directors, employees, service providers and agents or any of them from any and all claims which me and/or my dependents may suffer as a result of being hurt or injured and/or a claim for suffering loss or damage to properties in any way whilst at the premises and/or participating in any activities, whether such claims arise in consequence of an act or omission by the Organizer’s, its employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors or any other associate and whether such acts or omissions were negligent or not.
6. As a guest, it is agreed that my guest(s) and/or dependent(s), for which may or may not be the main guest / parent / guardian / person in loco parentis, similarly cannot hold the Establishment / Organizer’s liable for any damages (whether direct or indirect) which we may suffer as a result of the activities and/or as a consequence of an act or omission by the Organizer’s, whether such acts or omissions were negligent or not.
7. Refunds: There will be no refunds for; early departures, for breakdowns and / or interruptions to services of lights, water, wifi, air conditioner, heater, appliances, etc, if said breakdown and / or interruptions is due to municipality supply constraints , weather and /or other conditions over which the house owner has no control. uBukwa Zimbali Guesthouse has measures in place to ensure backup water and power / electricity is available to the establishment, however although every endeavor has been taken to minimise the municipality services interruptions and outages this is not a guarantee that these backup utilities services will be always available. The cancellation policy is further defined at the following website link: https://www.zimbaliguesthouse.com/cancellation/
8. Guest Rooms and Accommodation usage: Guests are not allowed to use the accommodation for business activities or for any purposes other than accommodation use, without prior written consent of uBukwa Guesthouse management.
9. Valuables, security and storage: A digital safe is available in all the guesthouse rooms. Although the guesthouse management takes responsible steps to ensure the safety and security of all guests and their possessions, guests retain final responsibility for their own safety and security. Keep rooms locked at all times when absent.
The home has a cantilevered featured dip-pool which is suspended approximately 9m high above the entrance driveway floor level. The guest(s) and any person who uses the property agrees and acknowledges that they take full responsibly for any person(s) using this ‘feature cantilevered pool’. The guest(s) indemnifies uBukwa against any damages, injuries, deaths and/or resulting claims from any accidents whatever so-ever with the usage of the feature pool and/or any items within the rental home. uBukwa and their respective owners urges all guest(s) that have children present at the home to be fully supervised especially around the featured dip pool. uBukwa and the registered owners of the property accept no liability in the event of injury or death of any person in occupation of rented home.
11. General incapacity: uBukwa Zimbali Guesthouse cannot be held liable if any of the following events or conditions prevent the guest house from fulfilling its obligation to guests. However, the guest house will take necessary steps to minimize disruption and discomfort to guests under these conditions:
Unanticipated interruption to services to and from the guest house. which includes but not limited too; electricity, water, sewage, wifi;
Industrial actions, civil uprising or criminal activity;
Fire, frost, flooding, wind or any other force major event.
12. Force Majeure: Delay or failure to comply with or breach of any of these terms and conditions if occasioned by or resulting from an act of God or public enemy, fire, explosion, earthquake, perils of the sea, flood, storm or other adverse weather conditions, war declared or undeclared, civil war, revolution, civil commotion or other civil strife, riot, strikes, blockade, embargo, sanctions, epidemics, act of any Government or other authority, compliance with Government orders, demands or regulations, or any circumstances of like or different nature beyond the reasonable control of the party so failing, will not be deemed to be a breach of these terms and conditions nor will it subject either party to any liability to the other.
If you have further clarifications kindly contact VJ on 0825704690
Email: zimbalirentals@gmail.com
Zimbali translates: Valley of Flowers
uBukwa translates: Valley of Views