Cleaning Services:

1. We take sanitization very seriously, hence we have in place a very strict protocol for sanitizing the home prior to a new CheckIN.

2. Cleaning Services is included on weekdays and Saturdays. 

3. There is No cleaning services on Sundays and Public Holidays, however this can be arranged at an additional charge.

4. Towels:

4a. Only towels left on the shower floors are washed.

4b. If towels are not in your room when you return , please fetch your towels from the drying lines.

5. Additional Guest Cleaning Requests and Additional Laundry:

Our staff is trained on cleaning and laundry of the homes items only. If guests request our staff to do cleaning outside their responsibility and duties, management and our staff take no responsibility for damages and liabilities that may result from this.

6. Moving of House Furniture:

We do understand at times, with reason, that guests will move certain house equipment/furniture around, within the property. It is then the sole responsibility of the guest to then return the furniture to the same place as it was originally positioned. Damages resulting in moving equipment/furniture for the guests convenience will be for the guests account, irrespective if this was moved by our staff.

Queries please contact VJ on 0825704690

uBukwa House Manager


Zimbali translates: Valley of Flowers

uBukwa translates: Valley of Views