#giveback #ItsAboutU

*Business is not only Transactional. It's about engagement, its a journey. It's about changing, enhancing and enabling the society and stakeholders our business touches. Its true human engagement making a difference. Click here to read more...

2022 / 2023 Hot Meals!

Provided under-resourced families with Chicken Breyani. Completely prepared , cooked and delivered by uBukwa staff. 

Clothes Sponsorship

16 bags of clothes and shoes sponsored to under-resourced famalies

2021 KZN Unrest. Food Relief

uBukwa received a desperate plea from a family in Durban South, Isipingo, that their community was quickly running out of food supplies. In the midst of the unrest, while everything was extremely volatile, uBukwa Management braved themselves by personally driving two bakkie loads to the community. We drove past thick black smoke-wildering factories/warehouses enroute and weaved inbetween make-shift barricades and nervous community members holding guard posts. When we reached our destination, with much 'mental' relief, we offloaded the two bakkie loads of supplies to the local Isipingo community.

2022 KZN Flooding

uBukwa management rolling up their sleeves and undertaking road cleanup. By the end of the day we had physical painful blisters! The blisters took more than a week to recover from, however it was worth it!

The President's Award (TPA) for Youth Empowerment

TPA can be simplest explained by saying it is Scout's on steroid’s. However will all respect given to Scouts! Click on the icon below to learn more...